Wednesday, May 12, 2010

So blessed!

Have you ever stepped back and look at what you have right in front of you.   I think most of us just live in the moment and never think about this.  Tonight I was outside with Payton and Braxton and took a step back and took a mental snap shot.  I wanted to remember the smile on Braxton's face when he was riding his tricycle up and down the sidewalk.  The way Payton runs when he sees a car and then laughs.  How they both want my attention at the same time and get mad when I can only listen to one of them at a time.  P and B are growing up so fast and I feel like I don't take a step back and look at them now and realize they will only be three and five for so long.   As a family I believe we realize how blessed we are by everything we have and the family that we are and I feel blessed that we will be able to grow as a family.  No matter what we are all blessed and have to remember to step back and appreciate the moments a little more.  Don't forget how blessed you are. 

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Where did it all begin.....

This is a blog about the lives of a non-traditional midwestern family. I am a full time working mother of two beautiful boys and a wife to a stay at home husband. We were married on June 15, 2002 and were blessed with two boys, Payton (4-19-05) and Braxton (2-08-07).