Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Flat Tire!

Well don't you hate it when you have no choice but to hit what is laying in the road. Well I hit a tire or something in the road and got a flat. Of course I didn't have the lug wrench so I had to wait for a friend. Then I went to get it fixed and it cost $70 for one tire. Oh well....I went home and played with my boys and then had a beer and went to bed. What a long night.

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Where did it all begin.....

This is a blog about the lives of a non-traditional midwestern family. I am a full time working mother of two beautiful boys and a wife to a stay at home husband. We were married on June 15, 2002 and were blessed with two boys, Payton (4-19-05) and Braxton (2-08-07).