Wednesday, August 24, 2011

First day of School!

Can you believe it Payton started first grade.  He is loving it thus far and I hope it continues. 

This is his picture after the first day....

Braxton is going to Spectrum again in the afternoons.   He is loving it also.  So far he has not gotten in trouble. 

I can't wait to see what this year brings for both of them. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

And the Tooth Fairy returns...

Last night we got a surprise.  Payton lost his front right tooth. 

I had just asked Payton this weekend if he had any loose teeth.  His answer was "I don't think so".  So I didn't think anything else about it.  So last night Jeff and Payton were playing with his new blue soccer ball that Grandma L gave him in the house.  Yes we have the rule no balls in the house but obviously daddy had forgotten.   Daddy tossed the ball to Payton and it hit his hands and bounced up and hit his mouth.  Payton came to me and all I saw was blood.   Of course P started freaking a little because of the blood but also because he couldn't find the tooth and so he didn't think the tooth fairy would come.   Jeff took P to have him rinse out his mouth as I started looking for his tooth.  I found it on the carpet.  So I asked Payton if that tooth was loose and he said yeah it had been.  I then reminded both Daddy and P that we are not suppose to play ball in the house.  Payton was excited about his new hole and all was well again. 

The tooth fairy did visit last night.  Here is a picture of Payton with the missing tooth. 
It is hard to see it but what a handsome guy!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Bears Game

Payton got his first visit to Solider Field.  For those that do not know...Payton is named to honor the Great Walter Payton.  Our first child was going to be Payton no matter what...If you don't know already...Jeff is a BEARS nut.  You can ask him anything about the Bears and he will know and he will talk to you about the Bears even if you don't ask him too.  

Well the first pre-season game for the Bears was on Saturday at 7 pm.  Jeff and I had talked about whether Payton was ready for such a big adventure.  We both agreed that he should be and it was a preseason game so they could leave early if they would like.  We talked to Payton and he expressed that he wanted daddy, Ole Poppa and Poppa to go with him.  Jeff made calls and bought the tickets and it was all ready to go. 

So on Friday the van was loaded. 

They left at Noon on Saturday and Payton was pumped.  He had Bears stuff on from Head to Toe. 
They arrived in Chicago a little before 3pm so they could the best tailgating spot.  The rain didn't even keep them down.  Here is what their set up looked like 

The rain stopped and they got to enjoy the game.  Here is a picture I got from Payton...He knows mommy loves nachos. 

Of course mommy was jealous. 

Payton wanted to stay for the whole game and enjoyed it.  He got to see the fireworks at the end of the game and also got a bonus of seeing Navy Piers fireworks on the way to the van.

The made it home safe and exhausted.  Jeff and Payton got to sleep in but more Ole Poppa did not because Braxton was excited to see and to wake him up.

Payton had a blast and is looking forward to the next time he gets to go with Daddy to Soldier Field. .

Side story...Because Payton is shy and most strangers have a hard time understanding him Jeff and I decided to write his name and Jeff's cell phone on it just in case he got lost because we both know it is extremly busy and lots of people.  Well when they got there Payton got a wristband that could be scanned and would tell an usher where his seat was.  So on Saturday night on their way home Payton called mommy to tell me that He loved me and that he didn't get lost.   I was so proud of him...Here is another picture of Payton.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


So what is going on with the PBJJ Family?   Honestly I plan on updating the blog but then never find the time.  I really want to keep this up because it will be awesome to show the boys when they get older.  So here is an update.

Payton--6 years old.  He is 4' 2" and 74 lbs.  He is in the 98% tile for his age.  He is very active and a very good eater.  Right now he is at his first Chicago Bears game with Jeff, Grandpa VL and Grandpa L.  They did the whole thing with tailgating before.  He is having so much fun.

Braxton-4 years old.  He is 3'8" and 44 lbs.  He is very tall for his age and skinny.  He can still wear 24 month shorts.  He is never stops moving unless he is asleep.

Well P starts school on Thursday.  I can't believe he is 1st grade.  Where did the time go?   I remember my mom rushing out to buy him preemie clothes because after he got home from the hospital he was to small for newborn clothes.  B will be in the Spectrum program again in the afternoons.

We have had a great summer and have enjoyed spending time in Wisconsin and having day trips here and there. 

We promise to update the blog more and continue to add pictures.  A little preview of what is going to come.  School starts, both will be playing soccer and of course the holidays.

Have a blessed day!!


Where did it all begin.....

This is a blog about the lives of a non-traditional midwestern family. I am a full time working mother of two beautiful boys and a wife to a stay at home husband. We were married on June 15, 2002 and were blessed with two boys, Payton (4-19-05) and Braxton (2-08-07).