Well we have had a busy week and looking forward to a quiet weekend. Quiet will not be the word I will use after the weekend I am sure with Payton and Braxton.
Uncle Andy came into town last week to spend sometime and to go to the Bears game with Jeff. We got to spend all day Saturday together and I decided to go to Curtis Orchard and walk to the pumpkin patch and get some yummy apples. We had fun walking to the pumpkin patch and the boys loved picking out pumpkins. We also had to get the apple donuts to take home. Here is one of my favorite pictures. 
The boys continue to amaze me. Payton is enjoying school and I got a calendar from his school to get us ready for kindergarten. I say "US" because I think it will be harder on his dad and I to have him go all day then it will be on him. He is getting the necessary speech therapy and he is talking none stop. He is in love with storm troopers and clone war. He loves the house now that we have been in it officially 4 months. He is a great kid.
Braxton, well what can I say about Braxton. He is hyper and keeps Jeff and I on our toes. He loves to ride his tricycle and loves to help with everything. He loves to push our buttons which we are not use to. He loves batman and anything that his brother is into. When he gets in trouble he always ask for someone that is not there. So if I tell him not to do something or tell him to stop he will say " I want to see ____?" Mostly it is papa, mama and cousin Jacob. He is fun to be around. He is definetly an attention getter.
I was telling Grandma Lopez that I felt a switch was turned on Braxton. He use to be so loving and easy going and listened very well but then he turned into a button pushing kid. I am amazed on how much he talks and in reality we are doing the terrible twos for the first time. When Payton was this age was not talking but a few words and was very shy and would keep to himself. We later figured out why and now he has come out of his shell. But Braxton is the complete opposite. I took him to the grocery store the other day and he had to say HI to everyone and even asked a lady "what are you doing" When she said she was working then he asked WHY? He never stops talking which is great but we just weren't use to it and were not ready for it. Yes Payton is consider a special needs kid due to his verbal apraxia but he was so easy at 2 and Braxton is the complete opposite. One may think that I am picking on Braxton and I am not I am so glad that they boys are completely different and love their personalities but I think as parents we were not expecting such a difference between the boys. Braxton is a typical 2 year old and we love it. WE LOVE OUR BOYS!
I hope to update the blog more this weekend if I am able too. Hope you enjoy the blog. It is fun to do when we have time.